The great theologian, Karl Barth, loved holiday seasons. He was fond of creating formulas for expressing faith. One of my favorite quotes for him is an ever so brief statement of the Christian Faith into which we are born anew, live life afresh and die into life immortal. It goes like this:     “JESUS CAME. JESUS LIVED. JESUS DIED. JESUS ROSE. REJOICE.”

Easter season captures the whole of this faith statement. Jesus came to teach us how to live.  Jesus lived the model of the NEW HUMANITY that can be ours. He came Jerusalem on what we call Palm Sunday.  He came to the cross on Good Friday where he died for our sin; demonstrating the love of God, disarming the forces of evil and shedding his blood for our atonement.

Easter Sunday he rose again to life immortal and he is pulling all of us hurting, confused yet hopeful human beings along with us in the power of the Resurrection.  Dang…how can you not REJOICE.

Life is and can be tough for each and every one of us. Our shoulders can slump in resignation, our cast downward in shame and  isolation, our feet stumbling for lack of direction or desire. YET WE REJOICE.  We rejoice because all this body, soul and mind endure or revel in is made sense of on the Sunday that lies just ahead: Easter Sunday where we part our lips, send a rush of wind past our vocal chords and scream out one breathless hallelujah after another. “Christ the Lord is risen today…hallelu-hallelujah…hallelujah…”

Wherever you are right now.  Wherever you have been this year so far.  No matter what lies ahead, Remember this week: JESUS ROSE – and he’s already in the process of bringing you with him. Rejoice!!

Much Love,
Pastor Randy

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