Matthew gets us up close and personal with Our Lord

Beginning February 24th, Sanctuary will engage in a Sunday morning series on the Gospel of Matthew that will take us through the Lenten, Easter and Pentecost Seasons.
I love reading and teaching from Matthew.  The stories told by this early friend and follower of Jesus is an interesting mix of intimate details of Jesus’ life and relationships with people, and incredibly deep teaching about what it means to be citizens of a New Order:  The Kingdom of God.
We will begin our series with three intense looks at Jesus famous Sermon on the Mount.  We will look at this spectacular message from several angles. I think it will give each and everyone of us reason to stop, reflect and redirect our lives more tangibly toward Jesus the Christ.
Matthew will prepare us for Easter and the Salvation and outpouring of the Spirit that follows Resurrection Sunday.  So, dig in and read along. If you read Matthew weekly in advance of Sunday’s messages, you will allow it to stick to you and go deeper as you hear us explore the word of God in song, arts and messages.
Thank God for our brother Matthew and his wonderful gospel. It’s going to be an invigorating journey!

Randy Rowland

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