Many of you have contributed to our Good Friday worship experience.  Thank you for taking the time to record and submit readings.  Thank you to Maggie Braun for the time she has put into compiling them and to Mark Mohrlang for curating a playlist of familiar worship songs to accompany our Good Friday experience.

We invite you to take a moment to get comfortable, grab a warm drink, light a candle and pray a prayer of preparation as you enter into this time of reflection on our savior's vast sacrifice for US.

Good Friday Meditation


Good Friday Activity

The origins of hot cross buns goes back to the 12th century.  According to the story, an Anglican monk baked the buns and marked them with a cross in honor of Good Friday.  The cross represents the crucifixion of Jesus, and the spices signify  the spices used to embalm him at his burial.  Over time the buns gained popularity, and eventually became a symbol of Easter weekend.

Cook a batch and then deliver some to a neighbor with a note of hope!


Please check your email for instructions on connecting to our ZOOM video call on Easter morning. And remember to gather bread and juice (or wine) as we will celebrate communion together (but apart) on Easter morning.



Stay in Touch!