This morning, we celebrate the resurrection of our living Lord.  What a profound gift to know that as the Corona Virus rages around us we worship a God who is victorious over death!

He is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed!

Today the bulk of our worship will be together on ZOOM at 10am to celebrate the resurrection. Check your email for the link.


Easter Music

Click here for lyrics!

Easter Craft

Our own Becky Aitken has created a lovely Easter craft to help us visualize the amazing events of the first Easter.

Join Mary, John, and Peter in their astonishment and joy. Surround them with a lovely garden that mirrors your joy in the resurrection.

Easter Activity

We are all celebrating Easter at home this year but that doesn't mean we can't share our hope and joy with our neighbors!  Grab some sidewalk chalk or paper and markers and decorate your front windows or sidewalk with Easter messages of hope!

Stay In Touch!