Not many kids can say they made it into the world thanks to a faith community, but our Benjamin can.

Just about 28 weeks into my pregnancy, I found myself admitted to the hospital with a partial placental abruption. A risk to the baby’s health and mine, I stayed at Northwest Hospital and the UW for 11 days and was sent home on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy. As a working mother of two children, this new lifestyle was not what I had planned for the last 12-weeks of my pregnancy. As I sat in the hospital bed, the thought of this was completely overwhelming to me. Cleaning, childcare, work, food, transportation, life generally, would have to be completed by other people than me. While Matt stepped up in amazing ways, he could not do it all alone.

As soon as our need became clear, the offers of help came pouring in. Meals were arranged, rides were offered, childcare was scheduled, visits were planned, and much prayer and support was given. Our faith community, at Sanctuary and beyond, came around us in a way that was so humbling and encouraging. It enabled me to actually be on bed rest, prolonging the pregnancy for an additional 10 weeks.

On June 2, at 7:27pm Benjamin John Watrous was born healthy and happy at 7 pounds 7 ounces. We are so grateful to God and you all for his life. We could not have made it without you.


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