I think I know a little more about child-like faith than I used to.  I have a front-row seat on child-like EVERYTHING right now: child-like playing, child-like eating, child-like mess-making … What about child-like faith in God? I can draw connections between the trust my son places in us, his amazing ability to never hold a grudge, or the pure joy he finds in simple life that DO inspire me in my relationship with God. Still, I’ve wondered what faith in God looks like when you aren’t even 3 years old.

Thinking about that question, I re-read a resource the Ackermans shared at the Parent Roundtable Discussions about stages of faith development.  According to that source, my son is in a stage (age 2-6) that is primarily about reflecting parental faith and finding comfort in rituals.  I find some humor here.  When my children are in “sponge-mode” I would like to be on top of my game!  But, the way life tends to work is that when kids are little is when their parents’ finances are tight, sleep is short, and free time feels like a distant, hazy dream.  I’ve always loved that Jesus called the little children to come to Him.  However, probably more than ever in my life, the group I relate to the most is the weary and heavy burdened folks he called to in Matthew 11:28.

And there I see a glimmer of God’s vast wisdom: He wants my sons to see me being dependent on HIM, not a valiant “do-it-yourselfer” that can take everything in stride.

What my sons are getting is a much-humbled Reba as a mother, a person who knows she needs God, and relies on His answers to her prayers. My sons aren’t ever going to see perfect faith in me.

Growing faith? Yes!

Reba Jacobs


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