March 8, 2020
As we transition to a few weeks of “doing church” a bit more virtually for the time being, we offer this short video, some songs, and the children’s lessons in the hopes that they will bless you. This is an opportunity for us to get creative with how we worship. And while nothing can replace the face-to-face gathering of brothers and sister in God’s forever family (Christ’s church!) – we hope that as an individual, or family, or small group, you can still encounter God through his Word, pray, sing, and wonder at his marvelous grace given to us in Christ. We pray that these will be helpful tools to that end. Keep an eye out for more resources over the next few weeks via email and our website. Root yourselves in Christ. Help your neighbors flourish. And wash your hands.
In hope,
Follow this link for the full email, with links to the video, curriculum, etc.