Our celebration of Easter is much richer when we nestle the good news of Christ’s resurrection in its proper context of sacrifice and suffering.  To help we’ve put together guide of daily readings and reflection questions as well as activities for children.  May you be blessed as you walk through the events of Holy Week, remembering not only the highs of Palm Sunday and Easter, but also the lows that come between.

HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE: Beginning Saturday, April 4 take some time each day, individually or as a household, to light a candle, read through the day’s readings and reflect on the questions.

Complete Guide (Printable)

Day 1-2 (Saturday & Palm Sunday)

Day 3 (Monday)

Day 4 (Tuesday)

Day 5 (Wednesday)

Day 6 (Maundy Thursday) 

Day 7 (Good Friday)

Day 8 (Holy Saturday)

Day 9 (Easter Sunday)